Hi! I think Phalcon has everything I always wanted in a framework. Everything except one thing: a concise documentation.
The documentation section is useless: instead of documenting Phalcon it explains general concepts and gives examples. While this is of a great value for beginners, it does not help experienced developers, who are only interested in how a feature works, what arguments it expects, what conventions you need to bear in mind, what are it's dependencies and configurations, what results one may expect on the output ... etc.
On the other hand, the "hidden" api section just states the classes, namespaces, members and methods almost without any explanation.
When I experienced lack of documentation in other frameworks, I just went sniffing what's happening in the code to figure out the usage. With Phalcon being written in C, even this is not possible for non C programmers.
That's why Phalcon needs a concise documentation, similar to the well documented functions in PHP. Without that I am either forced to do it your way (by tutorials), or spend insane amounts of time for figuring out how to do it my way.