i was eager to try it out today, since it sounds too good not to be used :)
couldn't get it to compile to .so; here's what happened:
everything went well up to these two lines :
../zephir/bin/zephir generate
../zephir/bin/zephir compile
when i tried to execute generate i got the following error :
Zephir\Exception: Cannot parse file: /home/djavolak/progs/celastica/elastica/Exception/Connection/ThriftException.zep
same happened for compile, but i guess the cause is the same so this probably does not matter..
Mentioned file is empty, i tried giving it class name and definiton, based on HttpException.zep from the same folder,
and got generate and compile to run, but with tons of errors like
Warning: Unreachable code in /home/djavolak/progs/celastica/elastica/Type.zep
/home/djavolak/progs/celastica/ext/elastica/client.c:1289:47: warning: unknown escape sequence: '\A' [enabled by default]
/home/djavolak/progs/celastica/ext/elastica/client.c:1293:144: warning: unknown escape sequence: '\L' [enabled by default]
ZEPHIR_THROW_EXCEPTION_DEBUG_STR(elastica_exception_runtimeexception_ce, "Class Psr\Log\AbstractLogger not found", "elastica/Client.zep", 684);
my php version is 5.5.11, running on ubuntu 13.10 .
any help/hint is appreciated :)