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phalcon extension not loading after installation

i am using ubuntu 12.04 with xampp and i have installed phalcon on my system but it does not loading it. how do i detect where the problem is my root folder is /opt/lampp



Did you add extension to your php configuration?

#Ubuntu/Debian: Add a file called 30-phalcon.ini in /etc/php.d/ with this content:

i have did it already but cant load extension on php info. but it is showing when i do php -m


find extension in fs system with

root:# find / -name 'phalcon.so'

and include extension with path like

edited May '14

already did that


but cant work

my cli php version is

PHP 5.4.27 (cli) (built: Apr 9 2014 13:17:10) and xampp php is PHP 5.3.10-1 can it be the reason then how to resolve the same

You must be installing the wrong dll file or on a wrong php version.

check on this link https://phalcon.io/en/download/windows keenly and you will know what will work best for you