Hi Andrei, thanks for your response!
Now I am feeling guilty, making you apologize like this... :P
(You really are thanking me too much now.. ;))
It's not really that I especially need to be thanked or something, but I did wonder if/ how things worked out, and yes, I do dislike it when people seem to disappear after helping them, not letting know if things worked out etc.
But of course, there could / can be very valid reasons for that..
(And I certainly don't/won't rule out I might be/have been guilty of the same thing... ;))
So thanks again!
(But I do think you should fix the fact it's an open-dir currently... (though it is interesting to see al those people who are uploading pictures of themselves.. ;))
And what I noticed is that your web-server doesn't serve a MIME type (Content-Type
) with those images.. That might give you troubles in some cases (especially since your files aren't named .jpg?))
You having holidays today as well? Enjoy it!