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flash / flashMessages - type - how to get it ?

Hello guys,

I have a custom flashSession class with this contructor:

    public function __construct()

I want to assing message to the view, so they can be used in a javascript environment. This is how i am doing it:

    public function beforeExecuteRoute(\Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher $dispatcher)
        $flash = array();

        foreach ($this->flashSession->getMessages() as $message) {
            $flash[] = $message;

        $this->view->flashMessages = $flash[0];


var app = {
    'flashMessages' : []

{% if flashMessages %}
    {% for message in flashMessages %}
        app.flashMessages.push("{{ message }}");
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}


I need to know the type of the message (error, alert, success, etc), so i can render the correct JS flash method notification.

  • The output of the messages, are raw text, not html formatted. And i don't want to use the HTML format.

Any thoughts ? Thanks.


Try this:

    public function beforeExecuteRoute(\Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher $dispatcher)
        $flash = array();

        foreach ($this->flashSession->getMessages() as $type => $message) {
            if (!isset($flash[$type])) {
                $flash[$type] = array();
            $flash[$type][] = $message;

        $this->view->flashMessages = $flash;

edited Jun '14

Nevermind. i found the solution:

  1. I overwrite the methods. Eg:
    public function error($message)
        $format = "{'type':'error', 'message':'".$message."'}";
        return parent::error($format);
  1. I render the view with:
{% if isset(flashMessages) %}
    {% for key, message in flashMessages %}
    app.flashMessages[{{ key }}] = {{ message }};
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
  1. An voila ! In JS i use:
            if (app.flashMessages.length > 0) {
                $.each(app.flashMessages, function(key, data){

That's it ;)


Ha ha ha :)) Nice finding Marcin :)) Thank you. Naver thought about using key => value :)). So accepted answer would be Marcin's . My answer works as well.


Ah. Now we can use

$this->view->flashMessages = json_encode($flash, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);