Hi all,
Although it's the first day I study Phalcon, I've already found that it's a very friendly and efficient tool. I followed the instructions in Tutorial 1, everything work smoothly but I encounter an error at "save". I didn't use the exact same "user" table, but I have a table which has only integer columns; then when I pass my form inputs to save, it's actually strings when they hit the backend, it cause the program aborted and Chrome shows a "No data received" error. I would like to know is there anything I may possibly missed and cause this error? More precisely, I was expecting a message from Phalcon instead of nothing sent to my browser.
My second question is regarding the SQL injection. In the tutorial, it said that the SQL injection has already been taking cared, that means I can really just let the visitor play with the input and don't have to sanitize the inputs?
Sincerely, Chi