Hello everyone. There is a basic controller BackendController. Inherited by other controllers. Please help me to organize for their support of the event, ie, to be able to expand with ItemController CategoryController and vice versa, for example.
namespace Core\Controllers;
class BackendController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller
class ItemController extends \Core\Controllers\BackendController
public function indexAction()
class CategoryController extends \Core\Controllers\BackendController
public function indexAction()
class PageController extends \Core\Controllers\BackendController
public function indexAction()
Please help me to organize dynamically opportunity to expand one class by another, a rough example:
class ItemController extends \Core\Controllers\BackendController
public function indexAction()
echo 'ItemController';
class CategoryController extends \Core\Controllers\BackendController
public function indexAction()
$extraData = 'extends from CategoryController';
$eventsManager->fire("item:beforeIndexAction", $this, $extraData);
Accordingly, when the method is called in the controller indexAction ItemController, should receive:
ItemController extends from CategoryController
Ideally, I can extend action of any controller in another controller action of any inherited from BackendController
Life example. When editing the item(ItemController editAction) I want to load a list of categories(CategoryController getCategoriesAction), but ItemController should not depend on CategoryController, so if i delete CategoryController, ItemController should continue to work, but list of categories(CategoryController getCategoriesAction) would no longer be available on it.