Hey, I see bunch of discussions about that but still cant figure out why phalcon gets all data for paginator. Here is my code:
$eklenen = Test::find(array(
"durum = 1 $sorguDevam",
"order" => "tarih DESC",
"cache" => array("key" => "SonEklenen_".$this->utils->kategori."_Limitless", "lifetime" => $this->utils->eklenenLimitsiz),
$paginator = new PaginatorModel(
"data" => $eklenen,
"limit" => 20,
"page" => $sayfa
In this one, cache gets all the matching results. Isn't it waste of resource. I get faster results with this one than QueryBuilder. QueryBuilder is getting all data too. In 100k rows in database that will be a big problem isnt it ?