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Record not found Scaffold - With Oracle Developer Tools

Create a scaffold with developer tools, but to edit or delete tells me that the record is not found but if the primary key is correct. The message is "SPM_REFERENCIA was not found" and my controller is so

public function deleteAction($REFE_CODIGO) {

    $SPM_REFERENCIA = SpmReferencia::findFirstByREFE_CODIGO($REFE_CODIGO);
    if (!$SPM_REFERENCIA) {
        $this->flash->error("SPM_REFERENCIA was not found");

        return $this->dispatcher->forward(array(
            "controller" => "SPM_REFERENCIA",
            "action" => "index"

    if (!$SPM_REFERENCIA->delete()) {

        foreach ($SPM_REFERENCIA->getMessages() as $message) {

        return $this->dispatcher->forward(array(
            "controller" => "SPM_REFERENCIA",
            "action" => "search"

    $this->flash->success("SPM_REFERENCIA was deleted successfully");

    return $this->dispatcher->forward(array(
        "controller" => "SPM_REFERENCIA",
        "action" => "index"

In mi browser the adress is  https://localhost/tesis/spm_referencia/edit/00


In the current version already they got this problem solving

git clone  git://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon.git
cd cphalcon/ext
git checkout 2.0.x
sudo ./install(edited)