Phalcon's big attraction is it's speed and performance over other PHP frameworks. I kind of wonder how PHP7 is going to effect everything. As I understand it, PHP7's speed increase is due to the fact that they have pretty much borrowed from HHVM (Hip Hop) and will be using JIT (Just In Time) compiling (eventually - in a future version). Rather than Phalcon being even faster on PHP7, it may infact loose it's speed advantage. I.e with PHP7 an app coded with CodeIgniter for example, may run just as fast as an app coded with Phalcon. On the other hand, if Phalcon still gets processed as native C it may remain slightly faster and more efficient, and with your non Phalcon methods processed through PHP7, it will speed them up, but the performance increase will be far less than it is now. Overall though, Phalcon itself will not be any faster on PHP7. How can it be? It's already executed as native C! Phalcon may have to concentrate less on it's "implimented as C" speed advantage, and concentrate more on improved, ground breaking functionality in order to stay in the hearts of PHP devs. What do you think the future holds? Can Phalcon still maintain a significant speed advantage in the future?