We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

Phalcon\Db\Profiler\Item->getSQLVariables appears to always be empty. SOLVED
sonething about left join!!!
Shared Connection pool
ModelsManager::executeQuery doing find() behind the scenes ?
how do mimic the behavior of services symfony Tags?
Migration generator creates an almost empty file SOLVED
My thinking: Do it together for everyone
Phalcon 2 output flash with twig template SOLVED
How to resolve: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens
reusable does not work
Hydrate Resultset using array instead of Pdo result SOLVED
About dependency injector and var_dump SOLVED
Issues to disable implicit views rendering SOLVED
ACL not working in Phalcon
How create sub request in phalcon SOLVED
Extending cache lifetime SOLVED
Adding property to object during runtime
Model as parameter SOLVED
Session in Mysql
unknown model or alias phalcon
about cache class increment and decrement bugs?
HELP! `Exception The argument is not initialized or iterable()`
ODM findById is not working with Phalcon 3.0.1 - Windows x86 for PHP 5.6.0 (vc11)
I can not use Models Metadata, the page is blank, no error message
Nginx + PHP + MySql + Phalcon on Windows 7 (local machine)
How the DI object instantiate works ? SOLVED
Phalcon\Cache\Exception: Cached keys need to be enabled to use this function (options['statsKey'] == '_PHCM')! SOLVED
How to get first column of first row from queryBuilder? SOLVED
Install Phalcon without Zephir - PHP7
How to make variables in form only readable
How to Striptags allow some tag ex: <b>, <a> in Volt
how to get only unique elements(no duplicate) in dropdown box in phalcon SOLVED
phalcon php7
CRUD example with many to many relationship
PHP version you currently use with PhalconPHP is...
Phalcon Partial Recursive SOLVED
Howto customize/translate model messages
How to use the definition of the DI before the first SOLVED
Phalcon on Ajenti-v
Advanced dynamic crud SOLVED