We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

htaccess adds ?_url=/ when no trailing slashes provided
How can I use brew to install phalcon?
Call to undefined method Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Files::start() SOLVED
Micro routing with URL
Micro Api REST + MVC Backend
How to install specific version phalcon on mac SOLVED
docs.phalconphp.com broken again
Phalcon DevTools not working Phalcon Lib v3.4.3 - PHP 7.3 SOLVED
Force events not to be launched.
di->get vs di->getShared SOLVED
How to perform log rotation in mongodb
Phalcon Debug Local Assets
sqlite problem
undefined symbol: zend_ce_countable in Unknown on line 0
Upgrading CentOS 6 to 7
Cannot install Zephir on Ubuntu 18.04
Saving model passing to other class SOLVED
Error Phalcon DevTools Models Oracle
_getVersion() must be compatible SOLVED
Incubator tests database schema SOLVED
Truly modular Phalcon application
create-project is not worked
Prevent direct access to file
Custom Model caching causing infinite loop & Seg fault
How can I call controller manually in Micro via Router?
Unable to locate package php7.0-phalcon SOLVED
/public/folder protected? SOLVED
Devtools documentation SOLVED
Not implemented when save()
How long until version 4's stable release? SOLVED
JSONB support for Query\Builder using Postgresql
How can I output an array with logger? SOLVED
Getting Phalcon 3.4.2-7
How to create DB with phalcon
How to disable phalcon from removing line breaks when rendering a view.
Using MS SQL Server with Phalcon 3
caching view fragments, and replace dynamic parts
Site slower with PHP 7.2 than PHP 5.6
[Phalcon 4.0.0 Alpha 2] New Session generated in every page refresh SOLVED