We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

beforeDispatch doesn't work
How we could help community as a member who is not a C developer? SOLVED
Other learning material directory in documentaion
[BUG?] unreliable assignment in modelManager's createBuilder
Execute SQL dump SOLVED
How to send value from Controller to Controller SOLVED
Phalcon dev-tools not working in win 8.1 64bit WAMP server SOLVED
Getters/Setters aren't working SOLVED
How to totally skip columns from database? (skipAttributes does not working)
Seting up Amazon Linux: nginx + php 5.6 fpm + phalcon + mongodb SOLVED
Dependency injection container is required
Model setters & getters best practice SOLVED
Relation 1 or 0 in Model
Dispatcher ignores events when Annotations for Router are used
[Bug?] Difference in views path if used annotations and default routing
Storing a model instance as a service during the session SOLVED
Is this a good practice SOLVED
setLayoutsDir don't support absolute path SOLVED
Integration with KoolPhp Suite
PHQL is not working and showing 404 error
Phalcon controller response and Ajax call SOLVED
about forms‘s filters options
How to use validation in Model
How to use named route instead of default /controller/action
Potential Phalcon bug or is PDO / my code to blame?
Date Select inside Forms SOLVED
Cannot access empty property SOLVED
Return spatial data from model without raw-sql
Routing uppercase & lowercase SOLVED
FindFirst and placeholder SOLVED
Volt is compiling wrong variable
Create models on a remote server
How to implement multilanguage on the Volt template, the controller and forms?
How to use rowCount or affectedRows in PhalconPHP ? SOLVED
ConstraintViolation problem on soft delete
fatal error: cannot find 'ld' compilation terminated.
Styling of flash messages
Pagination for ODM Collection