We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

MongoCollection - A dependency injector container is required to obtain the services related to the ODM
Stored Function with UNION ALL
Router error
PHP7 / Incubator MongoDB/Client DBRef support?
Relationships getRelated, _getRelatedRecords, __get, __call
Translate function Oracle to Mysql
Wrong type for Mysql json fields
HMVC Replacing Parent View File
Query\Builder support INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
PHP Developer - City of London - PHP, MySQL, Phalcon - London
multi-module conventions for phalcon
Phalcon 3 + incubator + Oracle got error: OCIStmtExecute: ORA-00904: "TABLE": invalid identifier
Skip property on Collection save
Logger data types other than string
Chat Controller distinguish between sender and receiver
Devtools and Incubator versions
Ищем русскоязычного разработчика
Open Source API Package
SQL Profiler Not Printing Results
Escapers in volt not working properly...
MongoDb php7 Collections Call to undefined method MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::rewind()
Dockerized Phalcon Starter App
Heading Exceptions via Events
Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Database not applying formatter.
View cache to use only when fault
why diabled Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Redis the `_PHCR`prefix ?
Introspection Strategy with custom column names
about cache class increment and decrement bugs?
Phalcon on Ajenti-v
Add on delete and on update in migration files
Integrated with github error
Variant of flash message
The strange behavior of Vokuro Manage Permissions
Phalcon Dev Tools 3 not working
Add Transaction to db profiler?
Phalcon caches {var:array} condition count leading to errors
in zephir the form's getMessagesFor can not call
Even a form passes, I get the default values, why?
Multiple Database Transactions
Updating data in a many-to-many relationship