Well, i'm really excited with Phalcon, for me, its the perfect balance between power, speed and low hardware usage. And, especially with the launch of 1.0 version, i'm starting to use this framework for my personal and comercial projects. But i don't see a lot of people creating things with it. I mean, we are a community with many enthusiasts, but i'm not seeing real projects being made with this excellent framework.
Why is that? Maybe the project still young, people are yet learning about it for then use Phalcon with no fear in their projects. Maybe because the main webhosts don't provide Phalcon as extension yet (yet!) and people became afraid that their clients will cackle about another way of solution for hosting. Or the sum of all the above. I really don't know exactly.
But i'm sure that this framework have a lot of potential and will grow big. And i'm already using it for my real projects.
I'm creating a SaaS for resellers and must say, work with phalcon is really good. I've faced some difficulties sometimes but its more related to my not-super-knowledge about Phalcon than with the framework itself.
Well, putting aside the whole speech, here goes my question for you folks:
Are you using Phalcon PHP for real world projects? There is anyone who is already running some application with Phalcon?
Please, don't be shy, we want to know what kind of quirks you've experienced, what was easy and what was not, etc.