Having ditched Symfony in favor of Phalcon I have stumbled across a problem regarding form templates.
I understand for example a field is rendered in this way:
{{ text_field("name", "size" : 30) }}
{{ submit_button("Save") }}
and if I wanted to apply a class to this field it would look like:
{{ text_field("name", "size" : 30, "class" : "classForField") }}
{{ submit_button("Save", "class" : "btn btn-success") }}
However doing this for the 100's of fields, buttons etc in my app would be a massive hassle, especially if I decided for some reason to change the Css clas for just 'text_fields' for example.
In Symfony you would define a basic template for all fields in a template file which in turn would be used by all forms unless overridden.
I've looked through many of the sample projects, and through the documentation but I can't find such a feature in Phalcon. I'm hoping this is just me looking for the wrong terminology could someone point me in the right direction please.