We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

Include assets in volt template SOLVED
ACL not working in Phalcon SOLVED
Router short syntax and multi-word controller names
[PHP7 ZTS pthreads] Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property: Phalcon\Di::$_default
Micro app router map->via with Collection?
Shows 'public' with directory in public SOLVED
Storing Related Records Question
Multiple View Directories SOLVED
Will Phalcon offer a framework without c extension?
Date sub - interval mysql
How from the usual array to translate in Resultset?
Cache\Frontend\Data lifetime options being ignored? SOLVED
is @Column(type="json") valid?
Routing with russian symbol gives 404 error SOLVED
Ts based migration
Assets minification, regenerated every time?
SQL Relationship Bugs SOLVED
Real-time Phalcon application SOLVED
Weird behavior of volt 'length' filter on object
Micro Framework Endpoints Fail after Switch to Linux SOLVED
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'phalcon.so' (PHP 7.3 ZTS)
install phalcon on linux mint 18.3 "sylvia"
Some ODM Questions SOLVED
Relationships between models in ODM
By Reference Model Caching?
Add 'hidden' class to button, if function returns false. SOLVED
New columns dont get registered
batch update query not work
how developing a RESTful API with Phalcon using micro applications and PHQL?
Acl best practice to update user session
MySQL and MongoDB together: doing it right?
Problem with QueryBuilder pagination for a full text search
I want to know db->execute query is safe from injection ? SOLVED
Uncaught Exception: Unknown model or alias
Cookies being stored in session SOLVED
Setter injection problem
Ubuntu 17.10 with php 7.1
Phalcon + PHP 7.2 (7.3) support? SOLVED
Css webtools 3.1.2 is not loaded SOLVED
How to deal with migration for many developers?