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String length validation from model annotation SOLVED
Annotation syntax error
is @Column(type="json") valid?
Are Annotations usable with Mvc\Micro? SOLVED
Validate and translate JSON to complex objects using Annotations? SOLVED
FlashDirect Not working SOLVED
Polish translation of Phalcon doc SOLVED
about property annotation some question
getProperties Problem
The annotations problem
Reflection is incomplete
Property Annotations "name" of property
ask : using '&' or '?' on annotation controller
Identifying if the given object is a collection model or base model
Annotations is trying to access almost any file even when they are empty (REALLY ANNOYING)
404 page for each module
annotations and null values
[Phalcon 2.0.3] The meta-data is invalid or is corrupt SOLVED
annotations error when upgrade phalcon1.3.4/php 5.4 to phalcon2.0/php5.6
Generate migration with help annotation
'Phalcon\Annotations\Exception' with message 'Scanning error before 'ExitExpression) .. SOLVED
Possible column types for model annotations? SOLVED
Strange Annotation Behavior SOLVED
Annotations directory cannot be written
Pros and Cons of routing via Annotations
$annotations->getMethod parameter of $methodName conflict with $dispatcher->getActiveMethod()
Multi Modules + Annotations Routing
Column Types for model annotations
what different between Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Annotations(true) and Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Annotations(false) SOLVED
Annotations Adapter Xcache & Prefix
[SOLVED]AnnotationAdapter getProperty error SOLVED
Class Annotation has all methods named with Argument[s] postfix nor getNamedParameter is it bug ?
\Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Annotations usage SOLVED
Router, Annotations and addResource