We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

Volt directory can't be written
Question about licenses.
Register namespace forms not working SOLVED
Convert phql query to query builder SOLVED
Phalcon PHP bind condition array first index is ignored
$_connection in migration files and phalcon-tools - possible bug but ticket is closed on GitHub
How to resolve Netflix Black Screen Issues?
cPanel Phalcon Extension Updated
URL Not Matching
Migrations with a long text field SOLVED
How to multi_query with Phalcon like using mysqli_multi_query? SOLVED
Redirect in ControllerBase error
Cannot load model
Proper Use of FlashDirect in controller?
How to loop through form validation messages in volt?
Phalcon insert multiple rows
Creating a global variable in CLI application
Strip whitespace
Validation slug for all models
Related model( automatic joins)
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found , plesk, windows server 2016, IIS 10 SOLVED
Recently upgraded to php 7.2 from 7.0.32, and now I get an error
the session variable works?
How generate RESTfull CRUD API?
Find Firs Wrong SOLVED
How to do unit testing of related tables
Custom Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row class?
"MVC" without "V", json response SOLVED
Uncaught Error: Class 'Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault' SOLVED
Cssmin not minifying css files
cast_on_hydrate ignored when columns are specified in Query Builder SOLVED
my db don't take what my form provide him
Get array of models before the model is created
Save the coordinates with Phalcon
Model fields
Phalcon install on openbsd
Need to validate relation model
How can I execute code after the response is already sent to browser?
How are Phalcon cookies signed?