Hey Community,
Since 3 years we have been working on Phalcon trying to improve it and move forward with the resources we have. Most of the work has been done in our spare time and with the great help of the community.
In the last year, due to our jobs and other responsibilities, progress in Phalcon has been a little bit slower, we would like this to change next year.
We are launching a campaign in Pledgie to promote the development of the framework and its sub-projects in order to bring Phalcon where we all want.
Following is the summary of the campaign:
We are asking for 30,000 USD (~2,500 USD/month) that will be employed during the following year, at this ti some donations were already made, thanks to the donors for their assistance and support!. If you want to help, please support this project by donating to it. Donations of any size are gratefully accepted. We hope to soon reach 35% (10,500.00 USD) of the goal to create a non-profit organization and hire developers.
How will we use this money?
Phalcon/Zephir goals
- Allow us to pay 1-2 fully-dedicated core developers for a year
- Develop the most popular requests from the community on Github in a short and realistic time frame
- Provide high-quality answers and support in forums and StackOverflow
- Release new versions constantly
- Provide a LTS (Long Term Support) version focused on the enterprise
Phalcon specific goals
- Improve documentation covering a larger number of subjects in depth
- Create more tutorials and examples focused on a novice, intermediate and advanced audience
- Extend test-suite achieving greater coverage and increasing framework quality
Zephir specific goals
- Finish the implementation of a JIT compiler for Zephir to facilitate testing and debugging of software created in this language
- Create a debugger that facilitates the development of extensions in this language
- Increase the number of backends that currently Zephir supports
- Support future versions of PHP and maintain backwards compatibility with already released PHP versions
- Extend and improve the test-suite to verify what has been built also works.
You can donate here: https://pledgie.com/campaigns/27405
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.