We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

How to convert this RAW SQL to Phalcon query builder?
Show custom date in volt SOLVED
Confirm Form Resubmission Error/Document Expired (Form, Browser Back/Forward Buttons)
[SOLVED] Phalcon Sample App/Project? SOLVED
What's the different of phalcon compile architecture?
Redirect global exceptions to a controller/action
Form file upload not working properly on some media files
Model columns as private or public properties
Criteria with 2 models and same named fields
Dispatcher in Micro app
Dynamic database connections
Is it possible to use the PUT and DELETE request methods in phalcon? SOLVED
chmod: cannot operate on dangling symlink ‘/usr/bin/phalcon’ SOLVED
Parse error when using order by inside a GROUP_CONCAT as part of a having clause SOLVED
Implementing Vokuro as Multi Module in Phalcon v4
Error, Size of IV is larger than text to decrypt,
Create a default route and the effect on seo? SOLVED
Custom Validation is not getting the value fields to run SOLVED
API REST boilerplate
Unable to use phalcon dev tool on wamp
How Can I check if Flash Exists
PHP 5.3.3 and PHP 5.4.13 dual installation error
How can I set in config.php for connecting postgresql with " options='--client_encoding=UTF8;--application_name=pcstu;' "
Phalcon is not trully modular framework - and how to solve it.
incubator Tree + Softdelete
How to serve phtml views with memcache SOLVED
What happened to our votes for including Phalcon in cPanel
Upgrading from 2.0.1 to 2.0.5 getting "virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory" SOLVED
Can I use dispatcher::forward across sub-controllers? SOLVED
APi Rest
How to configure standalone simple view SOLVED
How to use javascript geolocation to pass latitude and longitude to my controller, SOLVED
Install on centos 8 SOLVED
Error: Unable create project directory SOLVED
Keep old input in volt SOLVED
sql to criteria SOLVED
Phalcon developer tools are not working
Verify if table exist SOLVED
error message child pid XXXX exit signal Illegal instruction (4)