We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

html5 input for money/currency
Pledgie: Phalcon/Zephir Donation Fund SOLVED
Escaping # character in Micro Collection
Overwrite service for terminal script SOLVED
Install phalcon dev tools 3.4
Phalcon 4 model column type bit
field is required where soft delete operating
Volt minify SOLVED
psysh, console or shell and debugging widget
how to run function beforeExecuteRoute 1 times. beforeExecuteRoute loop continuously, how to make it redirect only once
INVO Phalcon 4
Passing variable to view from beforeExecuteRoute() event SOLVED
Is there any tutorial or example or implementations of the Phalcon 4 RESTful api?
Include 3 columns from 2 models in a relationship.
Api is not working for me
Canon Tech Support
Vokuro db as .sql file
Internationalization, separate sets of template files or just one set SOLVED
Module custom router with annotations SOLVED
Escaping a post that contains php, html, javascript .... code snippets SOLVED
How to set focus on first input element in a Volt form SOLVED
Error: Cannot load database configuration
include header and footer file separately in project
Problem with basic installation (Invo)
Phalcon intergrate with other frontend tech
Insert into realtionship SOLVED
How to split a query? SOLVED
Validation bug all required
I cannot create a new scaffold. SOLVED
the error in the model SOLVED
[BUG]: session prefix fail "sess_" (phalcon 4.0.4) SOLVED
how To Activate Roku Account?
Inject a component in a controller action without dispatch events SOLVED
How to download php70-phalcon using brew
Is the use of Phalcon constrained
Model events as protected methods?
How to install the old version of Phalcon(v1.x) SOLVED
Guidance on learning Phalcon
How to install phalcon 1.x SOLVED