We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

How to set hydration mode of related models
Get raw HTML before render SOLVED
Phalcon extension on VPS with CWP admin panel SOLVED
Help me to understand the framework
after resize the image is even more big
Welcome to the forum!
Date validation not working as expected SOLVED
error when you upgrade to v4
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Stream::log()
Call to undefined method Phalcon\Loader::isRegistered() SOLVED
How to mock services in DI (using codeception)?
Phalcon keyword devtool 4
Connect through MySQL with SSL
Phalcon on Mamp PRO 5.5
Simple SQL query
Boolean properties in model when using PHP 7.4
How can i tranlate this SQL to PHQL, Honor to have your Help SOLVED
Possible to render entire form?
How can I access controller objects from models? SOLVED
Custom dialect
Deleting hasOne Relationship creates new row in database
How to install Phalcon 3.4 in the php7.4 Centos ?
Custom button (non submit) in Phalcon Form Elements SOLVED
For existing v3 installations via packagecloud.io - what will happen when Phalcon v4 is released? SOLVED
Form->setAction() SOLVED
jquery post crypt / descrypt problem
Zephir build Errors
How to set dynamic meta tag descriptions SOLVED
Phalcon Forum / Phosphorum / V4
Redis cache backend disadvantage
How can i remove '_PHCR' form the redis SOLVED
JSON search on Postgresql SOLVED
Volt test syntax
What's the best approach for Exporting huge data sets to CSV?
Zephir bug in incrementing array element SOLVED
How to add code completion to Sublime Text?
Is it possible to configure timeout on redis connect()?
How can I optimise this query? SOLVED
queue in v4