We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

How to truncate data while displaying in volt? SOLVED
Remote team to develop an eLearning project
How to disable volt cache
Full text searches
Phalcon Micro + Swoole HTTP Server
Error handler in Micro not working properly
Volt directory can't be written SOLVED
Phalcon CLI not sending email using Vokuro Code
relation with column not work
How use variables in extends ? SOLVED
Wordpress / Magento with Phalcon Site SOLVED
Falcon group by help
Pointer to building a blog in Phalcon SOLVED
$application->handle(); triggers a "Wrong number of parameters" error after last upgrade SOLVED
Fast HTTP server like RoadRunner
How can I use brew to install phalcon?
CSRF Protection
Problem with install developper tools SOLVED
Handling request with "application/json" Content-Type header
Documentation website down [Again]
PHP unit testing validation
Bug? Phalcon 4. Trying to call method getrelationbyalias on a non-object SOLVED
Phalcon DevTools not outputing anything not even phalcon --version works
Problem with compiled Phalcon with PHP 7.2.1 SOLVED
\Phalcon\Mvc\View's setContent() not working in action SOLVED
Phalcon on IIS - Working Contribution Solution
Phalcon 4 New Project error
How create comments for column? SOLVED
What editors do you use for coding?
Docker and Phalcon
Model not found SOLVED
Model Relationship Find SOLVED
Database join attributes
$model->save(); saves not the entire model, return "xy is required" SOLVED
Calling a CLI script inside a Phalcon MVC project
Asset caching
Micro framework using standard PHP class models
Some Basic Phalcon interview questions asked in 2017
One little idea