We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

File Upload / Form Validation SOLVED
Can't select column started with chars "not" SOLVED
Models Setters on direct assignment SOLVED
ORM with Oracle - 4 queries just to get one record
Micro Api REST + MVC Backend
php7.4-fpm + Phalcon4.1 with 502 Bad Gateway Error!
Session set 0 value return NULL, is a bug? SOLVED
Make API calls from phalcon to another API
My website generates new session file after redirect from payment gateway page?
Uncaught Error: Class 'Phalcon\Mvc\User\Component' not found
I need help getting phalcon running
Phalcon\Mvc\Micro->mount performance issues
Debugging with Xdebug
Error in controllers (new project)
Phalcon\Version::get() returning "3.4.2" for Phalcon 3.4.3 installation
Alternatives to Phalcon?
Forum API ?
Using $app and its dependencies inside a Micro Controller SOLVED
I am developing a CMS but I am having a difficulty on my routing SOLVED
Issue with form validation when sending manipulated POST SOLVED
How to install phalcon latest version on Ubuntu 20.04? SOLVED
Multilingual documentation needs to go
Packagecloud for Fedora 29 not working
[UNDEFINED PROPERTY $action] - Model relation issue SOLVED
Is getChangedFields() valid?
Phalcon router issue.
Invalid Pointer on end initialize method on model
how to save hasOne relation ?
Phalcon 4.0.6 Unknown statement 314 (Volt cache problem) SOLVED
Where can I find documentation on how to install falcon 3.4 on php7.3? SOLVED
Session name SOLVED
Multi Module Routing default behaviour SOLVED
Flash\Session and setAutoescape false and redirect
Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Dialect\MysqlExtended
Phalcon 4, problem with relations
How to skip compiling for section of code SOLVED
Phalcon 4 Cache update from Phalcon 2
4.1.0: Can't use findFirst with column specifier SOLVED
Memory accumulation of Model::_groupResult