We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

When adding Authorization Header : Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: It does not have HTTP ok sta
Phalcon 4.0.5 FlashSession Issues
multiplle levels of relation ship
Phalcon4 DevTools and incorrect Form Action path?
Could you please give more example of the project rest-api
Unit test - Run migrations on in memory DB
Vagrant HELP
support the idea
PDO Paginator for Phalcon
Why doesn't the toArray() on models use the model's getter methods?
model relationship ( use 3 models )
how to make a route accept only integer parameters
Bad column escape for query conditions
CORS policy
Namespace in query SOLVED
Phalcon Db Connection With Snowflake SOLVED
New Controller, New Project, Error
Phalcon Component using a Custom View (Volt) - how to create Phalcon UI Widgets
Model find with IN operator SOLVED
How to check the CSRF token?
No able to delete object
When models related data called : at new instance / call alias SOLVED
Fatal error: Declaration of Multiple\Frontend\Module::registerAutoloaders(?Phalcon\DiInterface $di = NULL) must be compatible wi SOLVED
Log out (with method post) SOLVED
Call to undefined method Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory::addResource() SOLVED
OpenApi, swagger, postman best practices for phalcon
afterSave model event fired before transaction commit
persistent no more works with Phalcon V4?
Virtual Sub Directory
Using Vökuró - hint of composer that facebook/webdriver is abandoned
File : Gif type nulled & Move Failed SOLVED
Vokuro and DevTools
Phalcon Skeleton
Phalcon Cannot connect to database
Set form field default value to a query result
upgrade to phlacon4 SOLVED
What does it mean: Phalcon is a web framework implemented as a C extension
Set up tests
How to get fired `beforeAuthorizationResolve` without call to `getHeaders()`
[solved] Micro API: strange behavior with dot values with 4.0 SOLVED