We have moved our forum to GitHub Discussions. For questions about Phalcon v3/v4/v5 you can visit here and for Phalcon v6 here.

Google API Loader
How to delete account in https://forum.phalcon.io/
Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Exception: Unknown statement 314 SOLVED
Mongo Collection stats
DevTools Scaffold JSON
The root folder
Phalcon checkHash return true First times, then return false
Don't fail when related models fail validation SOLVED
Laravel Inspired Devtools: Migrations, Model Factories, Database Seeding
Why does view in Phalcon load twice on single request.
NotInWhere Question
Categories as the first level subdirectory SOLVED
Cannot create controller via devtools but can create model
new installation, mod rewrite not working SOLVED
Got errors : Property 'type' does not have a setter
Using MS SQL Server with Phalcon 3
PSR-7 autoloader does not work SOLVED
Trying to run INVO test site on IIS 7.5 SOLVED
Can't obtain model's source from models list (solved) SOLVED
Class 'Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Metadata\Memcache' not found SOLVED
Doubt about set and setshared SOLVED
How to find by 2 parameter id in database SOLVED
[AWS-EC2] PhalconException: IndexController handler class cannot be loaded SOLVED
Modify Route Params before hitting the controller
I18N - I need a hook on not found keys / translations
short url service
Phalcon Validation SOLVED
Override stream cache path
Related models, rollbacks and afterCreate events
$application->handle(); show a "Wrong number of parameters"
Convert data only for saving
Did you choose Phalcon again?
Unable to Install 4.0+ on Windows
Micro vs Micro Collection: Performance
Micro error (callable $handler) - how to get thrown exception? SOLVED
Wrong number of parameters SOLVED
About custom trigger events
partial VS include
Phalcon command does not work
How can i check CSRF token? (phalcon 4.0.6) SOLVED